March 28, 2013

My first "live" Q&A!

I always tell myself that each month I have to step out of my comfort zone at least once.  Do something different and new.  Something that gets my blood pumping.  That's always a good thing right?  So when my friend Cody asked me to speak to her class, I agreed.  Let me just say, nervous doesn't even cover it.  Cody and I went to school together.  She looks exactly the same too!  Just for fun, here we are.  Class of 2000!!

Class of 2000

I sat here for 30 minuets trying to pump myself up and calm my nerves.  It was so much easier having a familiar face there when the video started.  I may or may not have laughed way to much, sorry guys, I'm a nervous laugh-er.  Its laugh or cry for me.  And I wasn't about to cry.  Thankfully there was not as many people as I was thinking there would be and I actually had a lot of fun. I hope it helped them.  I know it helped me.  Someday I want to be able to stand on a stage and tell my whole story with out feeling sick to my stomach.  I can write it all out here but once there are people looking back at me, my palms start sweating.  They had some really good questions though.  And I answered the best I can.  

It also reminded me that I started this blog to share more about my life and what its like living on the transplant list.  I've been horrible at that.  But I'm refocused and ready to roll.  Next month is The Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge.  So I have already started my 30 posts for the month.  Plus a few other fun things, so I will be hanging out here more often.

I wanted to take some pictures while I was talking, but I also didn't wan to look crazy.  If anyone on the other side got a picture of me I'll trade you for a Hope for Kim Bracelet :)  My sister got a shot of me though.  Thanks Bug.  And a big Thanks to Cody and the class for having me and for all the great questions. If you are reading this and think of any more, feel free to ask!

I hope everyone has had a great week so far, its sprinkling and gloomy outside. But its better than the cold that blew through the past few days.

March 26, 2013

Its been a while...

I have been so busy trying to settle into our new routine that its gotten a little dusty around here.  But I'm back and things are about to change.  I have so much to share, but trying to find the time to sit and write it out is proving hard  to do. Today is an off day and I am planting my butt down and getting a few posts knocked out...hopefully.

How do soccer moms (or any sport parents) get anything done?  Last weekend we had games both Saturday and Sunday.  Practice is Monday and Wednesday from 6-7:30.  We are late dinner eaters, so on practice days we eat super early so that everything can settle before Ant goes running around.  And of course by the time we get home, its past bedtime and he is starving again.  I swear these boys would eat the walls of this house if they could.  Growing boys have big appetites.  My 4 year old polished off 2 apples and a snack pack of cheerios the other day and still ate dinner.  Tell me my boys aren't the only ones who eat like this!

I'm still trying to figure out if its a positive or negative but David's hours finally got cut back and OMG he has been home before bedtime every day last week.  Life is so much easier with him going in a little later and coming home in time to see the boys before they go to bed.   But his hours have been pretty much cut in half.   So there's the negative.  I'm not sure how we will manage, but in his words "We will figure it out!"

Last week a high school friend of mine asked me if I would be willing to Skype with her college class and do a Q&A kind of thing with her students who are currently studying hematology.  I reminded her of how awful I was at doing things like this back in school and she reassured me it wouldn't be so bad.  I'm excited and nervous all in one.  I keep asking myself what could they possible want to know.  I guess I will find out on Thursday!

I was horrible about menu planning this week.  That explains why there was no post yesterday.  I'm keeping it really simple this week with some quick family favorites.

Monday- Spaghetti and Salad
Tuesday- Spanish Rice, Chicken, Beans and Salad!
Wednesday- Tacos using leftovers from Tuesday.
Thursday- Lady and Sons Porkchops, sweet potatoes and corn on the cob
Friday- Its Good Friday, and David is off so I didn't plan anything yet...

And now I'm calling it a night.  Its been a long tiring day and I have a feeling tomorrow is not going to be any different.  Here's to a great Wednesday!  Much love

March 13, 2013

Happiness is ______ {Week 10}

I'm linking up with Lisa from Crazy Adventures in Parenting and sharing what Happiness is to me.  Stop by and see what is making others happy and join the fun!

More words than pictures this week.  But that is because most of the happiness is in my heart.  If I could take a photo of it all I would.  I would love to share this all with you.  Hopefully my words will be enough.  So what is happiness?

Happiness is having someone think of you out of the blue.  It is words of encouragement from old teachers.  And letters from childhood friends.  Happiness is someone reaching out and thinking of us when they needed an extra player for their soccer team.  And I am even happier that there is a scholarship program that allows us to play for free.  I don't know if they know just how much of a blessing this is for us.  Happiness is having someone tell you that for their one year cancer remission party they have asked for donations to my transplant fun instead of presents.  I know such giving and thoughtful people.

Happiness if being married to a man who can find you in the darkest of hours and bring you back with a smile.  Over the last month the guilt over not being able to work and do things that other moms can do has been wearing on my heart.  Bills are piling up and David has been busting his butt at work.  But it seems there is never enough money.  Last week our roof was damaged from a wind storm that blew though.  Monday night the roof we were quoted $400 to fix it.  That was my breaking point and by the end of the night I was doing the ugly cry.  David sat next to me on the couch and promised that everything would be OK   Happiness is having someone who loves you regardless of all your drama.  Though tears and anger.  Who can see when something is wrong no matter how hard you try to hide it.  Happiness is knowing he loves me for me.  The good, the bad and the ugly.

Happiness is seeing my baby play soccer for the first time.  Hes so tiny out there but is working really hard.  I have been having so much fun practicing with him.  He is up every morning and ready to go.


Happiness is the both of us getting back good lab results.  A few weeks ago when David was sick his labs revealed high liver enzymes but the recheck was just find!  Thank God!  My INR was at 3.1 and I don't have to go back to two weeks.  YAY!


And this little man was beyond happy to get his soccer uniform. Even better was having our favorite # on the back! Go #28!


Despite all the stress and tears this week brought on, I'm sitting here smiling.  Through it all, I know that I am blessed.  Surrounded by love.  And happy!

Wishing you all a little happiness this week!  Much love!

March 9, 2013

Me, A soccer mom?!

Last night I took a big leap of faith.  If you can call it faith.  Mostly I just realized that I was letting my being sick hold back not only me, but my kids.  A lot of things have changed in the last few weeks that helped me realize on of my greatest fears.  I was using being sick as an excuse.  My plan to live life as normal as I could got lost along the way.  But, Lord help me, because its all about to change and I am going to do my best to embrace it.

A few days ago one of the moms from school asked me if Anthony would want to play soccer.  My first thought was that there was no way.  I can't drive him to and from practices and games.  But David and I have been talking about it all year and we knew he needed to get out and play something.  So I brought it up to David and he was all in.  Talking about how we will "figure it out".  I cringe every time he says that. Because I'm so afraid we won't be able to and it will be because of me.  It is always the first thought that comes to me.  But on of the moms on the team offered to help with practices.  She offered to pick him up and drop him off when ever she can.  And my MIL said she will drive us as well.  I am so beyond blessed with such amazing people in my life.  Sometimes its hard to accept the help.  Or ask for it.  But like I said I am trying.

Today Anthony had his first game.  He didn't get to play because his uniform is not in yet, but he got to sit and watch with one of the coaches who explained the game.  Today we went out and got him some cleats, shin guards and a new ball. And I won't lie.  I may have been more excited than he was.  Soccer was my game growing up.  I'm super excited that it will be the first sport he plays.  He went to bed excited about practicing tomorrow.  So I guess that means I should be getting to sleep soon.  I am willing to put $10 on Anthony waking up at the crack of dawn.  But, this soccer mom is ready.  Bring it!

March 6, 2013

Happiness is ________ {Week 9}

Its Wednesday again and you know what that means.  Its time to bring on the happy.  I need happy.  Happy is what got me though a few days with 2 boys and the hubby having a stomach bug.  Thankfully everyone is on the mend and I will be more happy when the weekend rolls around.  Spring Break Baby!!!

Happiness is the excitement that grows as we get closer and closer to the Dog Park.  He usually stays in his bed, but once we get close he is all up in our faces.


Happiness is flying our kites as high as we can so that Grandpa Jim can see them from heaven. My Dad sent me these kites a while back.  And I was saving them, hoping that he would visit the following summer and fly them with the boys.  Every time I take them out I smile knowing that they were a gift from him.  My Dad loved sending the boys fun things.  As much as I want to keep them wrapped up, it makes me so happy to see them flying up in the sky.


Happiness is this boy telling me I am the only one who can make his sickies go away.  We got hit with a stomach bug and it hit hard.


Happiness is watching him push his stroller up a big hill all by himself.  Just two days earlier, I was pushing him in the stroller around the house, because he was to sick to walk.  And I was to sleep deprived and tired to hold him and run from the couch to the bathroom every 5 minuets.  I am also happy that today was "supposed" to be his last day of speech.  I am so happy at how well he has done.  And that he is able to stop.


And last but not least, Happiness is knowing that spring is on its way.  I have been loving all the purple that is popping up around the community.  Now if only the weather would get the message!  It was cold today!


I'm linking up with Lisa from Crazy Adventures in Parenting and sharing what makes me happy.  What makes you happy?  Don't forget to stop by and see what others are happy about :)

March 1, 2013

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

I made these a few nights ago and thought I would share them here, because I know that a few of you have dogs as well.  Dog treats are pretty pricey.  Especially if you have more than one dog. Even more so when one of those dogs weights more than your two sons put together.  So I went and looked for something easy and cheap.

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

1 cup of flour
¼ cup of oats
½ tablespoon of baking powder
½ cup of creamy peanut butter
½ cup of milk
1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 tablespoon of applesauce

Preheat oven to 350°
Combine all dry ingredients in a medium bowl.  Add wet ingredients and mix until well combined.  Knead into a ball.  Roll out dough to ½ in thick between two pieces of wax paper.  Cut out with a cookie cutter of your choice and place on an unlined baking sheet.  Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.  Store in an airtight container for up to a week.  
Click here
for a printer friendly version :)