December 5, 2012

Its Christmas Card Time

One of my favorite things about Christmas is getting cards in the mail.  I love seeing my friends and their families.  The new babies and growing families. The smiles!  I just love it all.  My guess is most people are ahead of the game and have their cards picked out or sent even.  Me.  I'm a procrastinator.  And I usually wait till the last minuet to do them.  This year is no different.

Do you take photos or have them done specifically for your cards?  The last few years I have just taken a few shots of the boys in front of the Christmas tree, but I feel like changing it up this year. And thanks to Shutterfly it is going to be super easy.  If I can pick just one card. There are so many I cant decide.  There are folded and flat cards.  There are many sizes to choose from including the new 6x8!  If you are asking me, I say the bigger the better!  How cute is this one?!

Watch the video about having a Family Photo Day.  It is what has inspired me to go out this weekend with my family and just have a little fun.  Capturing Cardworthy photos along the way.  And if you watch the video, you will see that it isn't just about the matching outfits and the perfect smile.  Its about having a little fun, leaving all the stress behind and getting the shots of your family just being your family.  And who knows, maybe I can even get a few shots with David and I in them too.  If you have a photo avoiding husband like I do, I bet this is just what he needs to let loose and enjoy having his picture taken.

There is also the Shutterfly Cardworthy Photo Sweepstakes.  The Grand Prize is a dream trip for a family of 4.  And I mean who doesn't want that!  And it could be a photo that you took, or had taken.  They are even accepting photos taken with your phone.  If it is cardworthy to you, send it in and see if you win!

And it gets better.  I get to give one of you a $50 promotional card to Shutterfly.  And its not just for cards.  They make everything from ornaments to canvases.  I personally have my eyes on a photo book! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. making cookings, but this year it will be making crafts as we are eating healthy!

    1. I love making cookies. And eating them. But I find giving them away much more rewarding :)

  2. My favorite Christmas tradition-- pjs from my parents every year! Even as adults!

    1. We do this for our boys. This year my 7 year old has requested that I not get him the kiddy ones. You know, because he is a big boy and all...

  3. Sitting on the front porch and drinking hot chocolate with my family!

  4. If I win, I need to get some Christmas cards! I still haven't even bought any yet!!

    1. Me either. I'm thinking New Years cards might be in my future...

  5. Having the kids put on their jammies and then going on a drive look at Christmas lights with a sweet treat,

    1. We fill up our cups with cocoa and walk around the neighborhood. Love it!

  6. Cooking with my mom!

  7. My favorite Christmas tradition is going sledding with the family on Christmas eve and finishing up with a hot chocolate and later enjoying a nice pot roast dinner. :)

  8. If I was to win, I plan on ordering an ornament with our photo on it for our parents who live in Turkey. :)

  9. definitely baking with my kids! messy but so worth the fun and memory-making!

    1. That's the best! My boys are like tornadoes in the kitchen, but we love every second of it. Well not the cleaning part so much! LOL

  10. I think I'd put it towards a nice hardcover album - all our pictures are digital and we'd like to put them in a book so the kids can look through it together !

    1. I was thinking about taking pictures of all the boys artwork and making an album. Takes up less space :)

  11. decorating the tree with the kids and hubby while listening to christmas carols and singing.

  12. If I won I would choose either a photo book or a calendar.

  13. I love going to look at all the lights with my family!

  14. If I win, it would have to be late holiday cards as I am so behind!

  15. Our favorite Christmas tradition is driving through our local park that puts up a huge light display.

  16. If I won I would order a photo book for my brother, Larry, who is serving over seas in Afghanistan. It has been 9 months since he has seen any of our family so I thought a photo book would make a great Christmas gift for him.

    1. I love this!!! My brother has been deployed so many times, this would be the perfect gift :) Its so hard being away from your family, especially during the holidays.

  17. I love making cinnamon rolls for christmas morning!

  18. I think if I won I would make a photobook for my parents!

  19. We'd make a couple holiday photobooks

  20. I love making special holiday treats for my family.

  21. My favorite Christmas tradition is going to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at church and then to my aunt's for refreshments and family time after, ending with a trip through the park to look at light displays. :)

  22. If I won, I would order Christmas cards!

  23. My favorite Christmas tradition is going to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at church and then to my aunt's for refreshments and family time after, ending with a trip through the park to look at light displays. :)

  24. prints. i have so many pics i havent printed

  25. favorite xmas tradition is walking downtown and seeing all the xmas lights
