February 21, 2020

Hearts, Hummus and Happiness

Its Friday, I'm alive and my heart doesn't even hurt!  Oh man.  I hope this feeling never ends because I feel great.  I do feel a little sleepy after taking my meds this morning but it is still better than before.  So Im taking this and running.  But not fast because, I'm going to enjoy this calm heart!

Its been a hectic week but a good one.  I had my follow up on Wednesday and then today I have another quick appointment today.  But then I am officially calling it the weekend.  Again.  That just happened so fast.

Today I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails.  Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for!  Stop on over and see what everyone else is sharing today! Here is my list for this week.

  • Long weekends.
  • Marshmallow nights on the patio.
  • Grilling.
  • Self Care Sundays.
  • Yard work with my neighbor wife.
  • Laughing,  there was so much laughing.
  • Hummus and pita chips.
  • Affordable medication.
  • Feeling my heart rate go down.
  • Trying new recipes for dinner.

Used up leftover rice to make fried rice and the new stir fry recipe was a hit!
All in all it was a pretty chill week.  I got out the grill Monday and then didn't want to waste the fire so we had a few marshmallows.  We celebrated a birthday and laughed so hard that night that Im still hurting.  Love those kinds of weekends.

I have no idea what we are going to do this weekend.  Hopefully it includes some fresh air or a good drive because I feel like I have just been between the house and the hospital for weeks.  Although I will admit I love hanging out at home with the guys.  Oh, we haven't been to the zoo in a while...

What do y'all have planned for the weekend?  Anything fun or exciting.  What ever you end up doing, I hope it is filled with love and laughter! 

Happy Friday!

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