A kid free weekend.
Drives out of the city.
Mid-afternoon sleeps. I'd call them naps but they are so much more.
Being silly with David and watching him laugh.
Life Sentence on Netflix. What shall I binge next?
Shocking the Jehovah's Witness who jumped to conclusions.
A hospital free week!
My bridesmaids dress came in.
Counting down the days to our next vacation.
Sleepy dogs.

Anyone remember this boy? Leroy is a previous foster of mine. If you look closely, you can still see where he chewed the window sill as a puppy. Through the kennel. He has mellowed out a little bit but he is still a little too bouncy for Poncho. Poor old P Dog has already hurt himself so now I have to keep everyone separated. It's tiring, but I really do adore this sweet face!
Now, lets talk weekend plans.
I have 2. Just two things I care about getting done this weekend. We need to pick up the plates for the new car and I need to take my dress to be taken in. Other than that, I plan on resting off this fatigue and hopefully getting rid of it for a while. Becuase as much as I love my afternoon sleeps, and as much as I can't seem to do without them, I really need to get my life in order.
I'm hoping that one of you have more exciting plans for the weekend? Someone? Anyone? Tell me about it?
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