May 12, 2017

Coloring, Coffee and Phone Calls

My most favorite part about Fridays is sharing the things that made me happy, thankful and grateful throughout the week. Some weeks are harder than others to come up with a good list of things, and some weeks I could write for pages. This week, I know there is a lot I could share but I can't quite remember it.

I looked through the photos in my phone, but I didn't take but a few. I looked in my journal, but it's blank. My FB and instagram were crazy quiet. Same goes with my phone. Holy frustration. Now Im sitting here trying to figure out what the heck I did this week.

Adult coloring books.

Waking up early to the smell of coffee.

Talking to my sister.

Playing football with the boys.

Eddie Vedder on repeat.

My baby is turning 12 on Sunday!

David. I forget a lot, but never that he loves me.

I know there is more. It's lost in my head somewhere. In the moment I know what's going on, but after the's foggy.  I have started taking my meds twice a day and hopefully that will help.  Mostly it just makes me tired.  But I will adjust to it.

Someone remind me next week to take more pictures and write stuff down!  Because I know I have been doing better, my heart  was lighter this week for sure.

Cheers to a great weekend.  Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing moms out there. Be sure to treat yourself to something extra special! We will be keeping it close to home this weekend. Im still trying to wrap my head around having a 12 year old.  Where did the time go?

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