July 12, 2019

Whats up Weekend? 7•12•19

Every Friday, OK almost every Friday here on the blog is all about happiness.  The day to reflect back on the week and find some of the things you are grateful and thankful for.  The things that made you smile that you may have forgotten about or that may have been the only things getting you through the week.  Its one of the many reasons I look forward to Fridays!

Today I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails.  Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for!  Stop on over and see what everyone else is sharing today! Here is my list for this week.

  • Out of the blue thunderstorms
  • Amazing boys.
  • Watching stranger things with the fam.
  • All the hugs.  I love hugs.
  • Instagram video chat because 
  • Sweet tea. 
  • Vet ranch on YT.
  • Built Bars. 
  • Laughing with David.
  • Sharing my love of oldies with the boys.
Wednesday night we had a bit of a scare but all is well now.  It started with a simple nosebleed.  Then it wouldn't stop.  I tried to call David but between the fans and me almost passing out he didn't hear me.  I called Alex's phone, he was at the top of my recent calls.  Anthony picked up and all I could say was help.  It sounded like a train was coming.  Next thing I know lights are on, towels are being held up to my face and someone is rubbing my back and asking who to call.  People often give me crap about being to open with the boys but moments like this, are why I do it.   No matter how much I wish it wasn't, this is our reality and what if they have never seen a bad bleed before.  How could they help?  How could I let them feel so helpless?  They need to know what to do in situations like this. So we have talked though many situations we might have to deal with.  This was one of them and they knew exactly what to do.  Later that night I found myself on the floor in so much pain that I just sat for an hour waiting for Davids alarm clock to go off.  I was exhausted.  And I was also due for bad night.  There were lots of tears.  Lots of water ( I think I dehydration was the root of this evil) and there was a lot of breathing.  

Thursday was better.  Less pain.  No more big bleeds.  I have an appointment on Monday and will do labs to make sure everything is OK on that end.  I have spent the last couple of months focused on everyone else and have been neglecting myself.  It shows.  Today I am feeling more focused and like Ive been saying all week, it's time to set myself straight.  Which means there are more changes coming my way.  But at least I'm ready for them.
So whats up this weekend?  Anyone doing anything fun?  We are keeping an eye on that storm in the Gulf and wondering if a beach run is possible.  We need to get out of the house that's for sure.  So we will do something, just have to figure out what.  

I'd love to hear what made you happy this week!  Have a great weekend everyone!

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