January 9, 2019

January Goals and Mantras

I know what we are already more than a week into the month but I wanted to make sure I write my intentions down so I can at least remember what it was I wanted to do.  Because lord knows if I don't write it down, the ideas are gone forever.  Or until I randomly remember them, at 3 am, while I am dead asleep but then have to wake up and write it down.  Yes, that has been known to happen.  So...

First up, lets talk goals for January.  Im not going crazy here.  Its the beginning of the year and Im all about baby steps so Im mostly hoping this month to finish things I have started and work on a few things too.


Complete 31 Day Declutter Challenge.

Complete Chronically Inspiring Challenge.

Make a habit of making my bed.

Read 3 books.

Try 4 new meals.

Date night!


Its all pretty easy right?  I suppose I should have added, "And make your bed" to that last mantra!  I have only missed one day so far and thats only because we were in the bed for most part of the day. Sundays are made for snuggling right?!

Maybe I will challenge myself a little more next month.  We will see.  What are your goals for the month?  Let me know below!  Also, y'all feel free to call me out on my goals because sometimes I need a kick in the pants!  I hope you are all having an amazing week so far!

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