Sometimes no matter how hard we plan things, it all goes sideways. That was this week for us. We were running around every day this week as soon as David got home. That never happens. We usually keep all the excitement under wraps until the weekend. But today, when David pulled up and I was across the street sitting in the neighbor's driveway (don't worry, she was there too), I didn't even think about moving from my spot. Tonight this girl is staying in. I might even go to bed before midnight! Crazy I know. But that sums up my week. I am exhausted.
Even though the week was full of crazy, I have to admit, it was a great week. And since its Friday and we all know that Fridays around here are for sharing happiness, here are a few things that made my week!
Even though the week was full of crazy, I have to admit, it was a great week. And since its Friday and we all know that Fridays around here are for sharing happiness, here are a few things that made my week!

Bluebonnets. When Spring hits San Antonio, these little beauties start popping up all over the place. Mostly along the highway. At the hospital, they have a whole field of them away from all the traffic!
A husband who is the yin to my yang. We are complete opposites in life. But we balance each other out perfectly and I love it!
Sunshine. Summer is my favorite, but I'll take Spring over winter anytime. Mostly because the sun comes out again. I need sunshine in my life.
Friendly hospital staff. I always look forward to seeing my Hematologist. We spend most of the time laughing. This week the lab technician was super nice too. Its the little things!
Naps in the hammock. This kind of goes along with the sunshine. The hammock, sunshine and a new book = life!

Discovering a new park. We took the back roads and found a park along the way. One that I have been meaning to check out but never got around to it. Bob Ross was right, "There are no mistakes, only happy accidents!" Smart guy!
Hitting my Fitbit goals. Its been so long since I have moved this much but I did it. And it felt good too. I just might get up the courage to go back to the gym!

Steak night. It doesn't happen often around here. I think it has been a few years since the last time. I love me some steak buy my poor liver just can't process it. I've never made steaks on the stove.
Saying yes to an invitation to a blogger night at a new restaurant. I am never able to make these events and if I can I usually chicken out. I got a chance to chat with another local blogger and I'm feeling much more confident in myself. I miss writing. I know things have gotten a little predictable around here. Change is coming!
I know there is more but I'm exhausted I can't even think straight anymore. One boy has a friend over and the other is talking to a girl. You guys, I can't make this stuff up. We have had to have multiple talks about girls this week. No wonder my brain is drained. Sigh...
Saying yes to an invitation to a blogger night at a new restaurant. I am never able to make these events and if I can I usually chicken out. I got a chance to chat with another local blogger and I'm feeling much more confident in myself. I miss writing. I know things have gotten a little predictable around here. Change is coming!
I know there is more but I'm exhausted I can't even think straight anymore. One boy has a friend over and the other is talking to a girl. You guys, I can't make this stuff up. We have had to have multiple talks about girls this week. No wonder my brain is drained. Sigh...
What is everyone doing this weekend? We have an appointment tomorrow but other than that we are winging it. I'm hoping we can make it back to that new park we found or any park will do. I probably should stay home and manage the disaster that is my house at the moment though. Boring! We will see I guess. Have an amazing weekend everyone!
I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails. Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for! Stop on over and see what everyone else is sharing today!
I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails. Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for! Stop on over and see what everyone else is sharing today!
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