Is it just me or does breakfast have the worst timing ever? I know it’s the most important meal of the day but as soon as I wake up, I have things to do. My guys may be early risers, but they are not morning people. At all. David is up, showered and off to work before anyone else wakes up. The boys get up and dressed and are just sitting down as I am getting lunches ready. And some days it’s a struggle to get them fed a nice hot breakfast before we are running out the door.
The thing is, I love cooking. And cooking breakfast is my favorite but during the week, in all that rushing around, there just isn't enough time. David isn't a breakfast person to begin with and the boys can't handle waiting for sausage or bacon to cook. But I have finally found a solution. Jimmy Dean Simple Scrambles®. Not only can we have scrambled eggs, cheese and meat, but we can have it in two minutes! Simple, fast and hot.
Jimmy Dean Simple Scrambles® come with two real eggs and your choice of Bacon, Sausage or Meat Lovers. And in just a few minutes and with easy to follow instructions, you have a hot and ready breakfast! No bacon splatters or cold eggs. Total breakfast win!

There are no more reasons to skip breakfast. Headed out the door? They are perfect for traveling with you in their sturdy cups. And they are the perfect serving size. When I get back from dropping kids off at school there is nothing I love more than sitting on the back patio and reading for a bit. And now I can have a hot breakfast too. I know I'm not the only mom who can appreciate a hot breakfast. Usually by the time I get everyone their food my place is cold. Just another reason I love these Jimmy Dean Simple Scrambles®.
They have quickly become a breakfast favorite around here. It’s the full breakfast experience in 2 minutes. You can find Jimmy Dean Simple Scrambles® in the refrigerated aisle at your local Walmart. Which will you try first? Sausage, Bacon or the best of both worlds, the Meat Lovers?
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