April 28, 2017

Sunshine, good food and a trip down memory lane

It took me all day to realize today was Friday.  The boys being home has thrown me for a loop.  Then half way through a text with David I thought, wait why isn't he home. It's been that kind of week. I couldn't even tell you what I was doing 2 days ago. But we got through the week ok, so no one can complain.

Fridays are supposed to be my day to reflect on the week and share the things that have made me happy but they are also one of my most hectic days, so I tend to skip them here and there. I have commitment issues, don't judge. It's amazing I have been married 13 years.  I kid! My family is about all I can commit to. I will try to be better at Friday's though.

Actually, you know how I said I couldn't even remember what I did this week. One of the only ways I can ever get though my Friday Happiness list, is by going through my photos and seeing what I have taken pictures of. My memory is even worse lately. So I take photos...of everything, because sometimes I forget. Seeing the picture brings it all back for me. And makes me happy. Here goes this weeks happiness.

New Scentsy.  Plus the boys favorite scent is back.  I need to order soon!

So much sunshine. Sure its hot, but Ill take hot over cold any day!

My hammock.  I could fall asleep in there for hours.

Crossing things off my to do list.  Still need to get the cactus planted but other than that, it's all done!

After school fun with the girls next door :)

Bed time.  We are so ready for summer and later bedtimes.

Good food.  The fiesta chicken was a nice change.

Cleared off kitchen counters. This makes me super happy.  Yeah, I know I'm weird.

Hanging out with my little sister today.  The boys love having them over too!

Finding all kinds of old pictures when I cleaned out the closet.  What a trip.

I made it to 10. Boom!  David is going to be home soon and I still need to get my grocery list together and figure out what I want to do tomorrow. I have a serious case of cabin fever. And I have a new soccer ball that needs kicking around so, I really hope we can pack up the boys and go get into some trouble somewhere. And by trouble I mean fun. I hope you all have an amazing weekend!

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