June 19, 2010

Thank You!

Just wanted to write a bit today to let you all know how much your support means to me! Its been a crazy emotional week, well 2 years really, and I could not have come this far without my friends and family. Some of you I have known my whole life, some of you I have just met and some of you are my blood. Either way I am a better person for knowing each and everyone of you and am so glad you are a part of my life.

When I was first diagnosed back in 08 I don't think I realized how big of a deal or how hard of a struggle it was going to be. My doctors have told me from the beginning that it was going to get bad. They have drilled me on what to look out for and what to do in case of an emergency. I think what's really helps is their honesty with me about what I am facing. I will save all the details for another time though. This was supposed to be a quick post while I wait for David to finish working.

So back to what I was saying! Thank You. Thank you for keeping me and my family in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Thank you for your donations. Thank You for the gifts and sweet letter and emails. Thank You! I could not have come this far with out the love and support I have been given. And I know that you will all carry me through the worst of it. I will be stronger and better in the end! All because of you all! And for that I'm am blessed and so very grateful!

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