November 1, 2022

November Goals

There are officially TWO months left in the year.  2022 is coming to and end.  And I need to get myself right with it. Anyone else fall off the train the last few months?  No?  Just me! I just haven't been able to get myself going again and its about time I did something about it.  

November Goals

I don't have any monthly goals from October to cross off.  I was pretty much just putting one foot in front of the other and getting through day by day. Knowing damn well that its no way to live.  And not the kind of life I am trying to live.  But its a new month and Im ready and excited to get this show on the road.

November Goals

Move my body. Even if its just a quick bike ride or if I ride the long way home after I drop the boys off.  Maybe somedays it will just be stretching and mobility.  But I want to move with purpose. I don't have to run a marathon or lift until I can't anymore. I just need to take time each day to move my body.

Try something new. This used to be a regular on my lists. But I got sucked into comfortable.  I stopped getting adventurous in the kitchen and stuck to recipes that I knew. What I really need is a hobby that excites me! I might just find it this month! Read a new book or 2 maybe! 

Get better sleep!  I know this isn't going to be easy. Sleep isn't something that comes easy for me. Thanks to my day night reversal, Im usually tired during the day and wired at night.  And thanks to my liver, sleeping meds don't work like they should. But those can't be excuses anymore.  I know my body needs this to happen.

Start my holiday shopping and decorating.  Now that we are past Halloween, its time to kick up the holiday sprit.  And that means getting out all things red white and green.  Its time to break out the tunes and the candles. I need to start buying things now. Time to make that list, and actually buy things ahead of time so we get things because we want them and not because thats all thats left!

Get back to my morning and nighttime routines. I am so off the ball on this one. And I know that it works, I know that it makes my life so much better, but Im just not able to stick to it and stay consistent. Part of that is just life with chronic illness, but most of it is just my procrastination mindset. All my life I have waited for the next shoe to drop, expected disappointment and just had no faith. I want so bad to stop it all. 

Socialize. This might just be one of the new things I try but after last night I realized how much I miss that feeling of community. I haven't given my neighbors or myself a chance. I only talk to a few. Sure I say hello to everyone as I ride past them on the bike, but never stop to actually talk and get to know anyone. With David working so much and the boys at that age where they are never home or have friends over, somedays, some weeks even, I have no adult conversations. And I think that is one of the roots of my current struggles. 

Write and actually SHARE!  If I had a dollar for every draft post I have sitting here, or on Instagram, I could get my Christmas shopping done.  Its kind of ridiculous. I have all these things I want to share but then I wonder if its weird or confusing. Will anyone get offended by this? Sometimes my thoughts don't translate and I worry people will see just how confused I get and that I am unable to get my words out. But if that is part of my story, so what? Right? Why am I like this. Hopefully I will heal and get past these before the year is done!  I want to get back to that.  Thats my biggest goal for the month.  Get back to being me.  Unapologetically. Authentically.  ME. I say this all the time, I know, but who knows, this time it might just stick!  

November Quote

One of the best things about writing out goals for the month is getting a good view at what I need to work on and what I need to just drop.  Im writing this and its so clear I have a procrastination problem. Its not news to me, but wow its gotten bad. And if I want to keep the winter blues at bay, Im going to have to be better! SO much better.  Well here goes nothing!

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