
August 7, 2015

Another week. Another year.

Have I really not shared anything since Monday?  That is awful.  But this week has been one for the books.

Tuesday the boys and I spent 5 hours at the pool.  And I laid a bathing suit and enjoyed it. If you know me, that's huge.  More on that later.

I turned 33 on Wednesday.

Thursday morning was spent supporting the San Antonio Great Dane Rescue and trying to figure out why on earth PetSmart would be crazy enough to drop us.  I was so worked up by the afternoon that we went to the pool and washed off the negativity.

And, suddenly its Friday. My brain is fried and I'm having company tonight so I really should be cleaning.  So I'm gonna send a shout out to Krysten from Why Girls Are Weird and Lindsay from The Flynnigans and share 10 things that made me happy this week.

  1. Birthdays.  
  2. Morris is eating again.
  3. Swimming.
  4. School shopping is done.
  5. Great neighbors.
  6. My new phone.
  7. Periscope.
  8. New books.
  9. Facetime.
  10. My rescue family.
What made you happy this week?


  1. What phone did you end up getting?

    Um that's fun ludicrous pet smart would drop a rescue. That's sad, actually.

  2. Meant to also say thanks for the shoutout homie. Krysten and I are going to create a link up soon for the Friday 10 things post! ;) stay tuned!

    1. I am trying out the iPhone+. I am an android girl, so its quite an adjustment. Cant wait for the link up :)
