
February 5, 2015

A love like this...


Fifteen years ago, a boy walked into his new high school History class and a girl fell in love.  A girl who didn't believe in love, let alone love at first sight.  But here stood this boy.  In jeans.  On a tropical Island?! And his clothes matched. He was different, but she was hooked.

He thought she looked funny and could not figure out why she was wearing boy clothes.  And where were her shoes?  This could not be happening to him.  He didn't want to be stuck on a tiny little island.

They became friends.  Tragedy hit the family.  He left.  For weeks.  She missed him.  He came back.  They spent hours together. He flirted with her and teased.  She brought him lunch and kept him company at work. As friends.

It took a few more months.  A few bad choices.  And one crazy weekend for them to decide it was worth a try. 

It wasn't perfect.  They were young and lost themselves in each other.  Nothing else mattered.  Until someone did.  And suddenly they were talking about being a family. He loved her still.  At night he would lay with her and rub her belly until she fell asleep.  But they were young and maybe a little crazy for thinking they had any idea what they were doing. God had other plans for them.  And when she laid crying in a hospital bed feeling empty to the core, he held her and loved her even more. That was the moment she knew she would love him and him only for the rest of her life.

Graduations.  Moving.  A crazy week in Paradise. Months apart.  At times it felt like they couldn't even breath. She sent him short and sweet notes about her day.  He wrote her pages and pages of their future. Then they were together again.  And the love came easy.

As the years went by, that love got stronger.  It grew into respect.  And a friendship that would stand strong though every curve ball life would throw at them.  Another baby gone.  They got married.  A premature delivery. Layoffs. A move across a few states.  Another miracle baby boy and then a life threatening chronic illness. They hit rock bottom.  But at the end of the day, when they laid down together, they were still best friends. They still loved each other.

So they picked each other up.  Wiped away the tears. Fought the pain and moved forward.  Together.   Because in the end that's all they really wanted. To be together. Nothing else mattered.

Today is our 11th wedding anniversary.  He is my best friend.  My heart.  And I am his.  Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for the life we share.  Love you Babe!


  1. Oh.. Wow. This is wonderful! You should Write a Short Story out of your story, I felt the Emotion In it. Such a Love Story.
    ~ Pam
