
May 15, 2014

Happiness is ______ {2014-W19} #happinessis Birthday Edition :)

OK I'm a day late...again...BUT yesterday was a very special day so I was a little busy.  My baby turned 9. Its his last year in single digits and I may or may not be a bag of mixed emotions.

Anthony is my oldest.  My strong willed, stubborn, sensitive, kind, and jealous little boy. On any given day, we bump heads and make up a dozen times.  And even though he is growing up he still melts in my hugs and gives me a kiss every day before he gets on the bus to school.  He is my happiness.

Happiness is his strength.  From the minute he was born this kid was a fighter.  This was actually the first picture I saw of him that a nurse took for me when she took him to the NICU.  Even the doctors were amazed at how quickly he gained strength and was able to come home.


Happiness is all the mornings we spent at the park.  He loved the see saw.  I would lift it just until his feet couldnt touch and he would squeal with excitement!


Happiness is knowing that even from a young age he was just as fascinated with animals as much as I am.  All shapes and sizes.  No fear just pure curiosity.


Happiness is selfies.  If this kid gets a hold of you camera or phone, 90% of the time you will find a photo like this in there.  And 99% of the time it will make you smile :)


Happiness is the excitement of Kindergarten and me being ok with it.  As a baby this kid was insanely shy. He would cry when someone waved at him.  But on that first day of Kinder, he put on his bravest face, walked to his desk and never looked up at me.  Hes been loving school ever since.


Happiness is a reckless little brother.  They would roll on this car down the driveway for hours.  And I didn't have the heart to stop them because OMG they were actually playing together and laughing! But the time they got to the end of the driveway they would be laughing so hard they couldn't breath!  

What I live for

Happiness is the second day off the bus.  The first day, he got off at the wrong stop but the second day, he was so happy to see me there waiting for him.  And I was happy to see him get off.  Even if he so kindly waited so he could be the last one!  Stinker!


Happiness is a vacation. Any vacation.  This boy loves to travel.  Mostly he just loves to stay in hotels. But the trip to Austin was filled with Splash Pads and rolling down the lawn of the Capital.  To this day he still brings it up!  


Happiness is just letting his guard down and having fun with his pesky little brother.  These days he is a little less patient with Alex so moments like this, where I can still hear them screaming and laughing, are extra special.


Happiness is his first 5K.  With very special friends!  I see a few more runs in his future!


Happiness is a glimpse of the man he will be.  There are great things just waiting for this kid and I know he will do great things.  Cliche I know.  But he will.  


Big things come in small packages.  That what I have been telling myself since I was little.  And now I tell this to him on almost a daily basis.  He is tiny but he has a big heart.  He is stubborn but he is thoughtful.  He has a temper but he cares so deeply.  He is in a rush to grow up but still insists on holding my hand. 


Happy Birthday Anthony.  I love you to the moon and back.  And yes, Im taking you with me because Id never leave you behind.  

Never a dull moment with this kid :)

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