
August 21, 2014

Thankful Thursday: Its almost that time

The boys and I were talking the other day and one asked how much longer till Christmas.  Once we figured that out I had a little freak out because that means my most favorite holiday of all is coming up. Thanksgiving Day!  Oh how did it just sneak up on me like this.  I haven't even tested out any new recipes yet!!

I believe that we should find something to be thankful for everyday but a holiday, once a year, with food and family and friends...Ill take it.  Because lets face it, every one of us has something or someone to be thankful for.  With my health hanging in the wind, I will be the first to say it.  I have needed help.  I have leaned on my friends and family for support.  I have been blessed and I am thankful for it all.

But today I am going to be thankful for my boys.  School starts on Monday and I will be the first to say it. I'm not ready to send them back.  My oldest is starting 4th.  He can't wait to see his friends and make more and go to PE!  My baby is starting Kinder and I am or may not have a meltdown when I leave him.  I know that he will be fine.  He will be fine, right?  He has been begging to start school for the last two years.  He got to go for speech class but twice a week for an hour was not enough for him. He too is looking forward to making his own friends so he wont have to play with his brothers friends anymore. Social butterflies.  Lets just hope it doesn't get them into trouble!

Enjoying the last days of Summer!

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